April 27, 2012

3rd Contact Sheet

3rd contact sheet of my 3rd roll of film
Self Portrait project


This is my older sister's friend, Natasia

This is my brother's friend playing basketball

... with a soccer ball ... ?


April 16, 2012

Tilt-Shift Photography

Tilt Shift Photo #5
- Taken while babysitting -

Tilt Shift Photo #4
- "The Desert" Prineville, Oregon -

Tilt Shift Photo #3
- NE Portland, OR -

Tilt Shift Photo #2
- "Hunger Games" Midnight Premiere, Bridgeport Village -

Tilt Shift Photo #1
- "The Desert" Prineville, OR -

April 13, 2012

2nd Contact Sheet

Most of these didn't turn out but,
Here is my 2nd contact sheet from my 2nd developed roll of film.
I took these outside of my older sister's friend Natasia 
and my little brother's friend Mark

Here is another photo from my 1st roll of film.
This is my cat, Cara
Took this picture inside my house

Here is a photo from my 1st roll of film.
I took this outside in my backyard, 
it's a cement bird on my bird bath.
Tweet tweet 


1st Contact Sheet

My 1st contact sheet of my 1st developed roll of film.
As you can see, only about four of the 24 photos actually turned out.
Oh well.